ViewMyListing9ae.com (VML) is an online communication and daily task management tool to allow for the seamless, critical transfer of information between the real estate office, the sales associate, and the Seller.
Online Seller Access
The greatest value ViewMyListing9ae.com can offer to you is 24/7 online communication to your sellers. When a new listing is entered with a valid seller email address, ViewMyListing9ae.com will automatically send the seller a welcome letter with instructions to access their online progress report.
In a service based industry, communication is the single most important function! The type of activity that appears on the ViewMyListing9ae.com progress report are inbound calls on the property, placed ads, showings, showing feedback, property posting on websites, and other tasks.
Automatic Seller Notifications
In addition to providing the seller with 24/7 online access to their progress report, ViewMyListing9ae.com will automatically send the seller notifications of new activity. When new activity has been added on their property, they will receive an email notification of the new activity. They will also periodically receive their progress report via email with all of the activity that has been recorded on their property.
Agent Login

You will also have your own username and password to log in with full access to ViewMyListing9ae.com ’s features. ViewMyListing9ae.com gives you the ability to manage property activity, showings, and task items. There is also a contacts area to manage leads with areas for the profile details, activity calls, reminders with alarms, and sent or scheduled marketing letters.
The ViewMyListing9ae.com calendar coordinates the different appointments and activities of your busy schedule. When showings, property tasks, and contact reminders or appointments are scheduled, they are automatically added to the calendar. Other events can be added directly to the calendar as well. On a day with activities scheduled, ViewMyListing9ae.com sends a notification to you via text message or email to alert you to the daily activities. ViewMyListing9ae.com makes sure that important activities don’t go unnoticed.