- Using Technology to Bridge Marketing & Seller Communication can alleviate the seller’s greatest complaint, communication. Sellers want timely up to date information on the sale of their home. In the past, this flow of meaningful information between the company, associate, and the seller has relied upon manual compilation of seller progress reports that have often lacked substance and value. Often, this process has been instigated by the seller wishing to know what is being done to sell their property. This lack of proactive communication in a timely manner can result in dissatisfaction. real estate software also provides Sales Associates with online, remote access to Contact / Lead Management tools, Appointment Scheduling Tools, and the unique Automated Showing Feedback system. In a service based industry where the timely transfer of information is critical, real estate software provides the necessary links between all parties (i.e. Broker, Real Estate Agent, and Homeowner).
You can view complete<features> and <benefits>. service is about communication -- every step of the way! Communication is the key to dramatically improving the following key issues:
1) Reduce Expired Listings
Consistent communication to sellers will allow for earlier price reductions. Without the only one to get the price reduction is the next company they list with.
2) Shorten the Listings Time on the Market
Anyone in real estate knows that a house that is priced right will sell regardless of market conditions. With's advanced seller communication feature, all documented activity will make sellers more receptive to earlier price reductions.
3) Communication Will Set You Apart From Your Competition
Increase your property listing inventory with the competitive advantage of outstanding seller communication provided by